Did you know you can get free advertising? Give me a minute to explain how… YouTube only charges advertisers when someone watches 30 seconds or more of their video. That means if someone sees your ad and skips it at 29 seconds, you just showed that person your ad for free! Let me show you what that looks like at scale… Out of the last million dollars we spent on YouTube, 102,485,953 people saw our ad. But! We were only charged for 17,729,611 views. That means we got free exposure to 847,56,342 people! Crazy, right? It’s no mistake why every time Billy walks outside multiple people recognize him. This has been HUGE for our brand. Now apart from that, how has YouTube helped us financially? Well, for one, it’s helped cut our Cost Per Lead in half compared to what we were getting on Facebook or Instagram (who charge you if someone watches 3 seconds of your video). This allows us to grow an enormous list of people interested in our services that we can keep turning into customers who buy over and over again! In other words, YouTube is a business owners dream… most people just don’t realize this. So, do you want to take advantage of how wide open YouTube is right now and build your first YouTube ad LIVE with Billy and our team?
#adscourse #clickfunnels #leadgeneration